Filles et fils de l’Alma Mater, c’est avec grand plaisir que je m’adresse à vous aujourd’hui, où que vous soyez. En effet, créée Ecole de Santé de Port-au-Prince par la loi du 3 mars 1808, notre Alma Mater est devenue trente ans plus tard, en 1838, Ecole de Médecine. Un siècle plus tard, cette institution a été renommée Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie (FMP) par décret-loi du 3 octobre 1938.
Voilà donc la FMP qui, en traversant les ans, a formé plusieurs générations de professionnels de santé ayant marqué leur passage ici et ailleurs. C’est cette même institution qui se projette dans le futur et se promet un bel avenir. Vous faites ainsi partie d’une grande famille dont les frères et sœurs ont pour devoir de se rassembler. En ce sens je salue l’initiative de certains d’entre vous de créer cette association d’alumni de la FMP.
Filles et Fils de l’Alma Mater, je vous invite vivement à les retrouver. Vous participerez alors de manière active à la vie facultaire en accompagnant les différents clubs et associations ; vous aiderez dans les projets de développement et de modernisation pour les générations à venir. Vous serez pour nos jeunes étudiant (e)s des repères, des modèles de réussite et des guides dans leur recherche de perfection et d’opportunités professionnelles. Vous accompagnerez le programme d’excellence académique en contribuant au renforcement des structures de formation, en récompensant et en encourageant nos étudiants en quête du savoir. Vous appuierez les programmes de formation professorale et la création de pépinières de professeurs et aiderez également à renforcer les activités de formation continue.
Tous ensemble, vous constituerez un réseau d’ambassadeurs, pour notre Alma Mater, qui s’évertueront à consolider sa renommée et à rehausser son image.
Chère fille, cher fils de l’Alma Mater, la FMP compte sur vous et vous présente déjà ses chaleureuses et respectueuses salutations.
Dr Bernard PIERRE, Doyen
Our mission is to cultivate relationships with alumni and students to support and strengthen the "Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie."
Engaging with current medical students is a meaningful way to stay connected to the "Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie."
Our objective is to support Haitian health needs, offer programs and provide outreach to strengthen the relationship between alumni, current students and the FMP, enhance medical education, augment the FMP future through alumni involvement, volunteerism, and participation in fundraising initiatives.
AAFMP Membership is a tangible way to express support for your medical alumni association.
Most of our workforce is comprised of volunteers. If you have a few free hours that you can dedicate to others, or a skill that can be shared, we will be happy to channel it in the right direction.
If you were a student of the FMP, please register with us. The more members we have the stronger our community will be. Together we will make a difference.
Thank you for registering with us. Please keep in mind it may take up to 2 weeks to verify your information. Rest assured one of our team members will get back to you soon.
We are happy you made the decision to join our team.
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Help advance the goals of the medical school alumni association.
AAFMP is a non-profit organization with a 501 c3 status.
If you would like to mail your donation to us, please send a check to:
Association des Anciens de la Faculté de Médecine d'Haiti
15812 SW 24th St
Miramar, FL 33027
Zelle® is a fast and easy way to send money to us from the comfort of your mobile device. With Zelle®, the money goes directly from your bank account to ours within seconds. You can Zelle® us at alumnifmp@gmail.com.
PayPal® is a safe and secure. They also make it incredibly easy to send your donations using your Debit or Credit Card. You can also choose to make this a monthly donation. Click the button below for more info.
The mission of the AAFMP is to cultivate relationships with alumni and students to support and strengthen the Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie.
After more than two years of meetings, brainstorming, discussions and hard work, the Alumni Association of the Facutle de Medicine et de Pharmacie, Ecole de Biologie Medicale (AAFMP) is finally here.
The AAFMP is your connection to your classmates, your school and all former students of the FMP. The Interim Council of the AAFMP in partnership with the dean office has worked tirelessly to make this project a reality. Each of the members volunteered their time, their competence in building and structuring this association. It is a huge and important work and we will need active involvement of others as we move forward.
An organized and strong alumni association will guarantee an equitable, healthy and productive distribution of available resources, will create a positive impact on the entire Haitian community, while raising the academic profile of our Alma Mater. The AAFMP must be the guardian of our traditions, while promoting modernity through the inclusion of emerging technologies, for better prospects in the future.
Your gift will provide additional support to ensure that the FMP achieves its objectives. The funds donated can also be used to support high performing students with scholarships, and other means to help them make the most of their experience at faculty.
Thank you for your generosity. If you have questions, please contact us at: info@aafmp.org
15812 SW 24th St
Miramar, FL 33027
Phone: (305) 741 6160
Email: info@aafmp.org